I've been neglecting my blog, apologies. It seems once you walk out the door of uni, move back home and get rejected or ignored by everyone you get in touch with about employment or just free labour, it kinda kills your creative spirit a little... BUT things are looking up! I'm back in Dundee: DJCAD have seen fit to employ me as a resident animator and i'm working away on my portfolio once more at the same time as gaining some mentor experience soon by the looks of it :) On the side, i'm a lowly waitress, I've gotta make money somehow!
The Residency deal means that i get access to all the university's equipment and resources, as if i were a student again and i get to work away on my own projects whatever they may be at my own pace in my own studio space.
I'm required to help the current students in some way, and i'm filling out this side of the bargain by guiding the current 4th years in organising their fundraiser- which i headed up when i was in 4th year. When i was in charge it was called DOJ-CON, in 2014 it will be called DEE-CON and i'm working closely with the team to help them make an improvement on 2013's success. D-Con/Dee-Con/DOJ-CON is Scotland's largest free anime convention, it happens annually in Dundee, it involves people selling arts and crafts, performance, demonstration, industry presentation, gaming and cosplay, it's lots of fun and always super busy!
After Christmas
- The department is hoping to introduce open "surgery" days when Sarah Dargie (the other animation resident) and i will make ourselves available for students to drop in and ask questions.
- I should become the animation department's resident tweeter... god save my soul.
- I will be in charge of the 1st year General Course Animation Option Block (Character Design and jointly Animation) At the end of General Course, 1st years must decide what subject they will specialize in for the following 3 years, to help them decide the college runs semester-long "Option Blocks" in which they get a taster of a chosen subject. They may choose 2 subjects to study in option blocks. The Animation OB has evolved a lot since i took it 4 years ago! The students can now choose between Character Design, Animation or Storyboarding.
- I will continue to help out the team running Dee-Con 2014 possibly focussing my role more on being an artist liaison.
Personal Projects
I've got 2 on the go! No information for either online as of yet, but it's coming soon! Main project: "Fall of the Wolf"- a 2D animated short, Side project: Lip Sync- 2D digital animation.
PHEW! Ok, that's all for now folks, stay tuned for updated everything!