Saturday, 18 February 2012

Holmes and Moriarty Progression


  1. This is absolutely AMAZING. You're extremely, extremely talented.

    I posted this last night on my tumblr blog 'Cumberbitch Sandwich', with a link to this page. I hope you don't mind. This is too beautiful to not be shared with the world.

    1. Thankyou! Oh my god, this is incredible! I've never had feedback like this from a stranger, you're so kind, and i'm so excited to have you following me :D Thanks for posting the source to tumblr :) x


    3. Sorry to keep adding comments to this but could you give me a link to the post on tumblr, I can't seem to find your blog :)

    4. oh wait, no need, i found it OMG 75 NOTES, I CAN'T HANDLE THESE FEELS

  2. Oops, sorry :D I wasn't sure if you'd really WANT to come find me, if you'd be upset that I posted your art on tumblr lol. Thought I'd give you the option to come search me down if you weren't mad ;) I wanted to leave you an ask to say thank you for the follow and thank you for not being mad, but I don't see an ask box open? Then again it could just be the way my computer shows your page.

    You said you were/are going to sell this one? Awesome, I wish I was the one who could buy it, because I definitely would!

    1. Ahh now I still don't fully understand tumblr :P I don't know whether maybe my ask box is closed and i don't know how to open it? haha! My friend says she can see it though, so that's a bit strange! XD
      Well no i'm not upset :) the only thing i'd be worried about would be losing it so thank you for linking my blog and everything! :)
      Yes, i'm hoping to sell prints of it. Really? because if you really wanted one I'd be happy to send a print to you :) I don't usually sell digital work so I'd need to ask someone more knowledgeable first about pricing it :P

  3. I WOULD really want a print, if I could afford it :D

    You live in...Scotland right? I wouldn't really know how to pay you, except through paypal or something, if you had an account (I do).

    Like I said, my computer sucks, I'm sure your ask is there somewhere and my screen just isn't showing it up. :)

    Anyway, my email is dracorules22 at yahoo dot com. If you decide you do want to sell me one, we can discuss it through that :)
