Friday, 28 September 2012

Dancing Nina: Filming day at The Space

A productive day was had by all, Rob O'Hara, Scott Sutherland and I were up at the Dundee College Kingsway Campus today collecting reference footage. Have a look at my pick of the videos we recorded; including final choreography and cloth tests, here: We even had time for bloopers...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Dancing Nina: New Storyboard & Animatic!

So here are all the individual frames of the storyboard for the film I'm co-Directing: Dancing Nina. I slaved over for the last few days... (weekss). Check out the full new animatic and more concise storyboard here:

Monday, 24 September 2012

A Wee Monster, Animatic Ready!

Today I quickly lumped together Nikki Christie's 6 headed Monster I've been working on for use in her 3D animatic, take a look here:

Friday, 21 September 2012

Dancing Nina: Story boarding...

I've made some progress with the new storyboard and choreography for the film I'm co- Directing with Freya Allen, Dancing Nina:

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Progress with Monster 2

Check out my progress for Nikki Christie's film "Wee Monsters" here, I'm just getting down to the details of her 6 headed beast:

DOJ-CON Mascot Competition is Go!

Overnight some mysterious elf has plastered the University with these beauties. I'm excited to see how many entries we get, and all the ideas all the crazy talented anime folk will come up with. The competition was launched online a few days earlier on  GET DRAWING EVERYONE :)
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